Programs for All Levels & Ages

Ages 3-5 approx depending on ability.
An introduction to the ice for our youngest students. Having fun whilst learning and not being afraid of the ice are the priority of the Pre-Can Class.
2024/25 classes Start Oct 07
Monday 3:45-4:30 pm &
Thursday 4:50-5:30Pm
Last Day of classes March 14, 2025
A complete series of balance, control and agility skills that will prepare skaters for any ice skating sport or recreational skating. Nationally-tested and proven curriculum and delivery methods that guarantee skater success.
Designed for 90% movement so skaters learn in an active and fun group setting.
Link Below
2024/25 classes Start Oct 07
Monday 3:45-4:30 pm &
Thursday 4:50-5:30Pm
Last Day of classes March 14, 2025
Figure Skating is an early specialization sport meaning coaches need to identify talent as early as possible. The Development Program is designed to be an addition to CanSkate not necessarily instead of, but should be discussed with the Director as age and ability will have some impact on that decision.
The focus of the Development program is to teach the skaters to train effectively right from the start of their skating journey and prepare them for entering Pre-Stars will a higher level of skill and awareness.

Star Skate Program
Skate Canada has two streams a skater can progress through - Star Skate and Competitive. However all skaters regardless of eventual level or intention must begin at the Star levels until a minimum of Star 5 is passed. A skater can continue in the Star Skate stream their whole skating career, compete regionally, and achieve many tests. It is somewhat more of a recreational stream but still produces nice skaters and is no way the lesser stream.
Competitive Program
The competitive stream holds criteria of tests passed versus age, and is as the word suggests, more competitive.
Skaters need to achieve certain tests by certain ages to remain in this stream.
The tests have a different structure and competitions are Regional, Sectional and later National or International.
Off Ice
This program is included in most of the other programs as it is just as important to train off ice as it is on ice. Off Ice skills that will be taught are all relevant to the development of a figure skater. Some classes are skating specific and some are general for athletic and normal childhood development. Will include Endurance, Co-ordination, Flexibility, Strength/Core, Rotation, Yoga/Pilates, Dance, Performance Skills and Psych Skills to name a few.

Summer Camp Programs
Usually longer and more intensive training prior to the season starting each September. Often a minimum of two On Ice sessions and Off Ice training will include guests for a more holistic development.
The focus of Spring and Summer Ice is always keeping up general fitness with Off Ice Skills required for skating, while On Ice Skills provide acquisition and choreography setting. The polishing and perfecting process comes later.
Planned throughout the year in addition to normal training days, usually as a boost to education, rules etc. Opportunity to cover some items though not required every day, are still important and valuable. For example, Performance Seminar would focus on performance skills, interpretation, character development, dance etc.
Skating is for Life! A program for Adults to increase their skills, have a little fun and get some exercise in! Focusing on Skating Skills, Ice Dance, Jumps and Spins.
Friday 5:30-630 pm. Buy punch card on registration link below
Star Skate Program https://www.karelo.com/register.php?BID=623&BT=10&PrivEv=21444
CanSkate Program https://www.karelo.com/register.php?BID=623&BT=10&PrivEv=21444
CanSkate Program Starts
October 16th 2023 until March 13 2024 - 21 weeks